
This article concentrates on using the Content plugin to show Downloads in Joomla! articles.  The Plugin may also be used in Custom Modules and in Download Descriptions.
Note: If you have allowed Registered Users to create Content then be aware that in  Joomla! Global Configuration - Text Filters that the default for Registered is 'No HTML'.  You need to set to say 'Default Forbidden List'.

To access click on V4 button system. Then in the V4 button Setup Section2section click on V4 button global config. Next click on tabV4 button text filter tab and change the Registered entry from V4 button filter type01by using the pull down to V4 button filter type02.

Configure jDownloads Content Options

This part of the Content Plugin setup is treated in more detail in the article Content Plugin Options (opens in a new wndow/tab)
To access the Content Options click on V4 button components in the main Joomla admin menu. Then click on V4 button jDownloads, next click on V4 button control button.  Now click on the V4 button options at top right and finally on the V4 tab content plugin tab which lists the relevant setup otions.

Select Default Layout

The first option 'Default Layout' allows you to select which layout to use as the default.

In this example the default Content Plugin layout was set to 'Files link only'.

Other Options

Enable Plugin locally
Setting to 'V4 button yes slideYes' is recommended.  It enables the plugin locally but you still need to enable the plugin itself as noted later.  Basically for the plugin to work both this setting and the usual enabling of a plugin need to be set.
Setting 'V4 button no slideNo' disables the plugin locally and reveals two further parameters. With one of thse you can inform users that the Content Plugin is locally disabled in the two additional fields that will appear below. 
One of these is the 'Show disabled message?' which, when set to 'V4 button yes slideYes' will let the user know about the local disabling.

The other parameter is about  whether to show the original title or a specific message.
Show a truncated Downloads Description is a pulldown specifying how much of the description is to be shown. The defalt is 0 which actually means that all of the Short Descrpition in the Download will be shown.

Select Download using Content Button

In the following the actual code needed in an article or module to reference a Download looks like the following down05 where the value 25 is the id of the required Download.  This means finding the id value of the Download which can be tedious in the frontend. A much easier way in the front end is to use the 'Extended Editor' plugins as decribed later.

Remembering later what is say Download 48 in content 48 can be annoying.  But note you can also write content 48A where TestUpload-en is a reminder of the name.  This works because the Content plugin ignores text following the file ID, so it is not shown.

Using Extended Editor-xtd buttons

The first step is to enable the 'editors extended' plugins.

So click on the V4 button system button then in the V4 button manage tab section click on V4 button plugins. In the V4 select type pulldown pulldown choose 'editors-xtd' as indicated opposite. 

Enable the required plugins, including 'Button- jDownloads Content'.
V4 editors extended enable

Tiny MCE Editor

If you are using the 'Tiny MCE Editor' to edit in the frontend, the view is like the first image opposite.
Clicking on the  V4 MCE cms content lists the available extended editor plugins, as shown on the far right. So to set a link to a Download click on V4 download linkas indicated in image on far right.
V4 tiny MCE editor openedV4 Tiny MCE editor

CodeMirror Editor

With the CodeMirror editor the buttons appear at the bottom of the edit page.
V4 code mirror editor

JCE Editor

For the JCE Editor there is just aV4 button content selectorbutton on the front end toolbar in a position that is selectable in the JCE Editor Profiles.

Choose the relevant Profile such as Default and select the V4 JCE features tab tab.  Scroll down to the 'Current Editor Layout' section. 

Drag the V4 button content selector button from the 'Available Buttons & Toolbars' section to a suitable position in the current JCE Editor layout.  See JCE Setup - Features and Layout section (opens in a new window/tab).

When you click on the button during editting it gives a pulldown like the one as shown opposite, which is the same as that shown in the MCE Editor.
V4 Tiny MCE editor
To insert a link to a Download click on the V4 button content selector. This will then give a view such as opposite.  This enables searching for the Download by title.

In this example we have selected Download 'Tubes 1', which has an id of 131.  This will then generate {jd_file file==131}. Note the double '=' symbol.

In this example the default layout specified in the jDownloads V4 button options white -V4 button content plugin tab is
'Files Layout Single Line v3.9'.
V4 download list

The text in the editor view looks like that shown opposite when the relevant Download is selected.
V4 article text in editor
And in the frontend we have the view.

It is only a single line as the selected layout is
'Files Layout Single Line v3.9'.
V4 article in frontend view

View in Articles, Modules and Descriptions

Use <div> not <p>

If you are using a basic editor such as Code Mirror or similar then the Content Plugin code would appear as opposite, where in this example the id of the Download is 25.down01
Using a conventional WYSIWYG type editor such as JCE the entry in the article would look like the image below.
Again the Download and its surrounding text is again in a <div> ... </div> block.
Note that the JCE editor may be set to show the type of 'block' element.
So, as might be expected, the result appears as a single line in the Front End.
In this example the Download layout is 'Files link only v3.9'
Now let us see what happens if a Paragraph block <p> ... </p> is used instead of a Div block <div>...</div>. 
The direct code as entered is shown below.
down02But in this case there is a line break immediately before the Download link in the front-end view!
The reason is quite simple.  The basic HTML definition of a Paragraph is that it cannot hold another block element such as <div>.  This is consistent with ordinary language where a Paragraph does not contain an 'internal paragraph'.  Hence the browser automaticly generates a line break.

Use In Custom Modules

To create a Custom Module go to V4 button system  V4 button manage tab  V4 button site modules white select the  V4 button newbutton. Search until you find the Custom panel as shown opposite.  Then click on the V4 button plus button.
Adding a Download link to a custom module is the mostly the same as adding into an article.
V4 custom00

But there is one more action required!

Select the Options tab, then ensure that the 'Prepare Content' field is set to Yes as indicated opposite.

Layout selection

The default layout for use in content is set in the jDownload Options - Plugin Tab.
A more flexible solution is to select the required layout in the content itself by using the form: jd_file onlinelayout=='layout name'
For example, content 48B.  This must of course appear in the article before the first actual Download that is to use the layout.
Any Download layout may be used.  In these notes we use the simplest layout called 'Files link only' which comes as standard with jDownloads.

There are two other variations of this layout: 'Files Link and icon' and 'File link icon and featured' layouts.  These are available either by downloading from Extra jD 3.9 Download Layouts (opens in a new window/tab) and using the Layouts button import button or by simply editing the Files link version as noted in the Edit layout Appendix below.

The examples below are the views when using a Download whose title is  'decorative products'.
  1. Files link only    -----------------    Single04A This is a standard default Downloads layout which comes with jDownloads.
  2. Files link and icon --------------   Single04BNever shows the featured star.
  3. Files icon link and featured  --- Single04C   Only shows feature star if Download is featured.

Some Examples

Individual Downloads

It maybe that the Downloads are to be listed with some text as shown opposite.

Layout "Files link and icon" is used in this example.
The direct code is shown opposite.plugin04
It is also possible to show several Downloads as an unordered list.

Here the Downloads are contained in a <ul> ...</ul> rather than a <div> sequence.

It could of course be an Ordered list by using <ol> ... </ol>.
The direct entry or code view would be:down04

From Categories

As well as inserting individual Download links there are also Content Plugin calls to list Downloads from Categories
  • Show Downloads from a single or several Categories: For example cat01 will list upto 12 Downloads from those categories with IDs 15, 3, 41 and 6.

  • Listing latest, top and last updated from any category: cat02 lists the 6 most recently updated Downloads selected from the categories with IDs 17, 3 and 15.

  • Listing latest, top and last updated from multiple categories: cat03 lists the 5 most downloaded Downloads from the categories with IDs 12,13 and 3.

This example shows a listing of all the Downloads in a specific category.

Again the layout "Files icon link and featured" is used.

The code used is simply

And now examples of Latest, Hottest and Updated.

Only the top 3 in each case are shown in this example.

Layout "Files icon link and featured" was used.

The code is as shown below.

With a little more effort the sequential listing could be arranged in columns as illustrated.
In this case the direct code would be as below.

Some Technical Details

When the Plugin code is generated from the short code { ...  } then jDownloads adds specific CSS class names to the plugin's enclosing <div> dependent upon the actual form of the plugin.

For example with a file short code such as down05 then the plugin code itself starts with

For say a Hottest short codehottest01 the plugin code starts with
hottest02This then allows each type of Content plugin to have its own styling. For instance in the three column example above each column could have had its own background colour.

Appendix 1 - Editing Layout

The standard 'Files Link Only' layout is very simple.  It is straightforward to edit the existing layout to create the other two layouts.

The first step is in the backend go to theV4 button jDownloads and select V4 button layout select.  Next select the V4 button select downloads layouts and click on 'Files link only V3.9'.  This shows the line layout 01.
Now click on the layout 02 button which will create a new layout called layout 03 .

So edit the title to become layout 04

Edit the layout code  layout by adding where indicated by the yellow background to give

layout 05Next click on button save and you now have the additional layout. 

Whilst the details of the layout are still on screen click on layout 02
This will create a new layout called layout 06 so edit the title to become layout 07.

The next step is to add the code layout 08 to give

layout 09where the code has been inserted as idicated by the yellow background.

Finally click on thebutton save close

Colin Mercer February 2019, updated July 2020, May 2023, August 2023, September 2024

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