
From time to time a new or modifed version of the file in a Download may require revision.  This article is aimed at illustrating how this is done from the frontend.  Of course it may also be done in a similar fashion in the backend.  Just to recap a Download consists of many parts, the foremost of these is of course the file that is to be downloaded.  Other parts comprise items like descriptions, images and thumbnails, and previews. All of these are changable but here we are just concerned with the downloadable file part.

Setting Permissions

In order to change the downloadable file from the front end the the logged on user must belong to a usergroup that  suitable permissions.  Typically at least Edit permission for the Download is required but usually Create and Edit Own are also granted to such a usergroup.  Sometimes Edit State permission is granted.  Occaisionally, but rarely, the usergroup has Delete permision.  Having Delete permission allows deleting the entire Download and, in my opinion, such a drastic action should be restricted to backend users such as Superusers. 

For more information on setting the Joomla! permissions please see Permissions Overview (opens in a new window/tab)

Editting the Download

When a Download has at least edit permission then the 'pencil' symbol appears next to the Download title.Delete download25A

So after clicking on the 'edit pencil' change download48 then the Download edit form will appear.
Clicking on the Files tab gives a view such as shown opposite. Note on some templates the change download42 symbols might be on a separate line.

In order to change the downloadable file we first have to delete the file by clicking on the delete file button change download43.  This will exit the Edit screen.
Delete download25C
We now have what is called a 'simple' Download, that is one with no file.
change download47
So there is no download button but the edit pencil will still be there and dependant upon your other option settings and how long ago you created the original version the Download may have a  change download46 symbol.

Click again on the edit pencil change download48. As expected the edit form will show that there is no downloadable file associated with the Download.

Next Click on the Browse button and select the required file on your device, which will be automaticaly uploaded when you click on the V4 button save button
change download49

There is one other item to do and that is to set the Updated option in the V4 tab publishing tab from No to Yes by using the pulldown.
Finally click on theV4 button save.

change download50
When this is done then an updated symbol  change download51 should show in the Download title block. 
The modified date will be automatically updated by jDownloads.

Note that the original number of times downloaded is retained by design.
change download52

ColinM, November 2019, modified June 2023

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