Setting User Limits -December 2024
Limits are applicable over daily, weekly and monthly periods. They may be set on either or both the number of downloads or the combined megabyte size in each time period.
For example we could set a limits of say 8 downloads/day, 20 downloads per week and 50 downloads/month or just 5 downloads/day and 48 downloads/month with no weekly limit. In addition we could set a daily limit of 120Mbyte/day, 500Mbyte/week and 1750Mbyte/month or perhaps just 2000Mbytes/month.
There is also a seventh limit which controls the number of Downloads/day that a user may create from the front end if they have the relevant permissions. This is only shown on the front end if the user has permission to create a new Download. These seven 'principle limits' may be set in any combination.
There are a further two 'special limits' that relate to the way downloading happens, these are described separately below.
It is important to note that whilst the Limit values are set on a User Group basis, the limits are applied on an individual user basis. One User Group may have completely different limits to those set in a different User Group. Where a user belongs to multiple User Groups then the limits in the user group that has the highest jDownloads ranking will be used. For more details on ranking please see the article Which User Group is used.(opens in a new window/tab)
But note limits are, by design, not used for the Public or Guest User Groups. This is because the seven principle limits apply on a personal basis and members of the Public or Guest User Groups are annonymous. To avoid mistakes if you look at 'Limits' for either the Public or Guest User Groups then the only avaliable limits are the 'special limits' "Download Duration Restriction" and "Transfer Speed Restriction" as described later.
In this example we are using the Registered User Group.
For example we could set a limits of say 8 downloads/day, 20 downloads per week and 50 downloads/month or just 5 downloads/day and 48 downloads/month with no weekly limit. In addition we could set a daily limit of 120Mbyte/day, 500Mbyte/week and 1750Mbyte/month or perhaps just 2000Mbytes/month.
There is also a seventh limit which controls the number of Downloads/day that a user may create from the front end if they have the relevant permissions. This is only shown on the front end if the user has permission to create a new Download. These seven 'principle limits' may be set in any combination.
There are a further two 'special limits' that relate to the way downloading happens, these are described separately below.
It is important to note that whilst the Limit values are set on a User Group basis, the limits are applied on an individual user basis. One User Group may have completely different limits to those set in a different User Group. Where a user belongs to multiple User Groups then the limits in the user group that has the highest jDownloads ranking will be used. For more details on ranking please see the article Which User Group is used.(opens in a new window/tab)
But note limits are, by design, not used for the Public or Guest User Groups. This is because the seven principle limits apply on a personal basis and members of the Public or Guest User Groups are annonymous. To avoid mistakes if you look at 'Limits' for either the Public or Guest User Groups then the only avaliable limits are the 'special limits' "Download Duration Restriction" and "Transfer Speed Restriction" as described later.
In this example we are using the Registered User Group.
Enabling Logging
To find the the field 'Activate log function for Downloads' click on
then on
. Next click on
then select
at top right. Next select

Scroll down to find 'Activate log function for Downloads'. It must be set to Yes as shown opposite.

Show current Limit Status
It can be very frustrating for a user to suddenly discover they can no longer download items because one, or more, limits have triggered nd they do not know why.
So once again click on
and then on
. Next select
and ensure that the
option is set to Yes as shown opposite.
The Limits Message section describes the message that will be shown to the user on the Summary View.
jDownloads detects that there is information to be shown and will then automatically show the Summary View irrespective of other view settings.
An example of the Summary page with the limits message is shown later.

The Limits Message section describes the message that will be shown to the user on the Summary View.
jDownloads detects that there is information to be shown and will then automatically show the Summary View irrespective of other view settings.
An example of the Summary page with the limits message is shown later.

An alternative method is to use the 'jDownloads View Limits' module.
For more details of this see the article 'View Limits Module' (opens in a new window/tab).
For more details of this see the article 'View Limits Module' (opens in a new window/tab).
Setting the actual Limits
Reminder The principle limit values are set on a user group basis but applied on an individual user basis. That is application of the limits for say user ColinReg, which is the login name, is independant of any other users, including those in the same User Group.
To access the User Groups Click on
then scroll down to and click on
. Next click on the name of the particular User Group you wish to set or modify the limits. In this article the Registered user group is used. Note that in the limits column at the far left No is set for all User Groups. This indicates that No Limits have been set for any User Group

Clicking on Registered will show a 'Title Block' such as .
Note that after setting one or more limits then the Registered User Group has a yellow Yes in the Limits column.

Also recall that the limits are applied on a personal basis, that is the downloads made by one user do not affect another user even if they are in the same user group.
After downloading various files there comes a time when a limit is reached.
This caused the message in the Summary view as shown opposite, and there is now no Download button.
The actual message reads as follows:
"You have reached your daily limit for the allowed number of Downloads.
You can resume downloading tomorrow. A new day starts when the Server time has passed the time 00:00:01."

The jDownloads System Plugin allows an upper limit that is specified in days to record the number of download logging records.
The value you set will depend on the the highest limit duration.
In practice a limit of 93 days, being 3 times the length of the longest month, allows for all circumstances.
Note that when checking for monthly limits, jDownloads uses the current date and then checks back for the same day upto one month earlier.

Click on the
tab to set the various Limits for the Registered User Group.
Recall these are applied separately for each member of the Registered User Group.

Recall these are applied separately for each member of the Registered User Group.
Daily and weekly limits are limits are ilustrated opposite.
There are similar Limits for Month and Megabyte limits.

There are similar Limits for Month and Megabyte limits.

Each principle limit has its own a language sensitive message field using the language selectors like {en-GB}English message text{/en-GB}{de-DE}Deutscher Nachrichtentext{/de-DE} and of course its own value field.
There are seven principle limits.
If the value field is left as 0 then that limit does not apply. If one or more limits occur then the user is shown them when they attempt to download.
There is a Download Duration that allows the same Download to be dowloaded multiple times. This is useful with some Download Managers who allow repeated attempts. However it is rarely used these days.
There are seven principle limits.
If the value field is left as 0 then that limit does not apply. If one or more limits occur then the user is shown them when they attempt to download.
There is a Download Duration that allows the same Download to be dowloaded multiple times. This is useful with some Download Managers who allow repeated attempts. However it is rarely used these days.
Note that after setting one or more limits then the Registered User Group has a yellow Yes in the Limits column.

Example of the Limits
When limits are set then jDownloads automatically uses the active Summary layout to show the limits.
In this exampe there had been no previous downloads by the user that day but there had been some downloads a couple of weeks earlier.
So the daily and weekly number of remaining downloads were the same as the limt values. But the number remaining for the monthly amount shows that there has been 3 previous downloads in the month.
Note that as yet the present downloading had not occured! So the amounts remaining will be updated after the Download.

In this exampe there had been no previous downloads by the user that day but there had been some downloads a couple of weeks earlier.
So the daily and weekly number of remaining downloads were the same as the limt values. But the number remaining for the monthly amount shows that there has been 3 previous downloads in the month.
Note that as yet the present downloading had not occured! So the amounts remaining will be updated after the Download.

The limit on Number of Uploads is only present if the user has Create permission.
The message '---remaining---' indicates that actually there is no limit set for uploads.
The message '---remaining---' indicates that actually there is no limit set for uploads.
Also recall that the limits are applied on a personal basis, that is the downloads made by one user do not affect another user even if they are in the same user group.
After downloading various files there comes a time when a limit is reached.
This caused the message in the Summary view as shown opposite, and there is now no Download button.
The actual message reads as follows:
"You have reached your daily limit for the allowed number of Downloads.
You can resume downloading tomorrow. A new day starts when the Server time has passed the time 00:00:01."

By looking at the log file as shown below it is relatively simple to correlate with the user reports. In this example User uploader-beta has four downloads, three today and one about 3 weeks ago. The 'Anonymous' user is in the Pubic User Group.

Special Limits
There are two special limits: "Download Duration Restriction" and "Transfer Speed Restriction". These are available in all user groups and apply to all users in that group. That is they are not personal limits.
Download Duration Restriction.
The limit was introduced in earlier versions of jDownloads when Internet speeds and reliability were much lower than normal today. It is particularly relevant if Downloads are 'priced' so that the same Download does not cause multiple charges within a given time period.
This limit sets the duration (in minutes) in which a new download of the same file and from the same user is not counted as a 'new' Download. This value is important when Download manager software is being used, and also for resuming interrupted Downloads.
Note: If the user changes to a different web page in their browser, either by a new Tab or a new Window, then that terminates the period prematurely!
It is suggested that if you anticipate internet 'challenges' then you should include a note on the Download page advising users not to change to a new page.
Change the value of 60 minutes only if you are sure of the consequences!
Transfer Speed Restriction
Basically this limit artificially slows down the transfer rate. It is again intended for situations where poor interrnet performance may be an issue.
With this limit users in the user group have a download speed limit in kbits/second. For example if you set the value to 1024, then the downloading transfer speed is limited to a maximum of 1MB/sec. If you set it to 0 no limit is applied.
Note: This limit does not apply if the user is downloading files from an external site.
Download Duration Restriction.
The limit was introduced in earlier versions of jDownloads when Internet speeds and reliability were much lower than normal today. It is particularly relevant if Downloads are 'priced' so that the same Download does not cause multiple charges within a given time period.
This limit sets the duration (in minutes) in which a new download of the same file and from the same user is not counted as a 'new' Download. This value is important when Download manager software is being used, and also for resuming interrupted Downloads.
Note: If the user changes to a different web page in their browser, either by a new Tab or a new Window, then that terminates the period prematurely!
It is suggested that if you anticipate internet 'challenges' then you should include a note on the Download page advising users not to change to a new page.
Change the value of 60 minutes only if you are sure of the consequences!
Transfer Speed Restriction
Basically this limit artificially slows down the transfer rate. It is again intended for situations where poor interrnet performance may be an issue.
With this limit users in the user group have a download speed limit in kbits/second. For example if you set the value to 1024, then the downloading transfer speed is limited to a maximum of 1MB/sec. If you set it to 0 no limit is applied.
Note: This limit does not apply if the user is downloading files from an external site.
Finding the System Plugin
To find the jDownloads System Plugin from the Joomla main backend side menu click on
then in the
section click on
. Then use the search bar search bar with 
. This shows up all of the jDownloads plugins.
You can then click on 'System -jDownloads' to open the plugin.

. This shows up all of the jDownloads plugins.
You can then click on 'System -jDownloads' to open the plugin.

Adjusting the jDownloads System plugin
The jDownloads System Plugin allows an upper limit that is specified in days to record the number of download logging records.
The value you set will depend on the the highest limit duration.
In practice a limit of 93 days, being 3 times the length of the longest month, allows for all circumstances.
Note that when checking for monthly limits, jDownloads uses the current date and then checks back for the same day upto one month earlier.

It is essential to set a limit for the period that log records are kept in the database as otherwise the database will grow indefinitely, which will eventually lead to problems. Older data is deleted automatically once a day.
The available durations are 1, 7, 31, 93, 366 and 500 days. The default is 93 days.
The available durations are 1, 7, 31, 93, 366 and 500 days. The default is 93 days.
ColinM, January 2019 modified March 2021, July 2023 and December 2024